ITALERI Daf Xf105 01:24 510003917

1:24 DAF XF105 Model Kit

Art.Nr.: 510003917

This road haulage tractor by DAF is a restyled version of the successful previous series. Offering excellent reliability and a good standard of comfort on long-haul routes, the XF105 also features very good mechanical reliability and outstanding engine performance under a wide range of conditions, in full compliance with the strictest environmental standards. Also, in the event of an accident, the cab provides the driver with an extremely high level of protection. The name "Smoky" comes from the race horse owned by the driver's father (from here "Junior") which, used to winning, during the race was disappearing like a puff of smoke in front of his opponents. In a Wild West atmosphere, the horses are the protagonists in the airbrushed sides of his DAF XF 105 too.

Model Dim.: 24.5 cm


Detailed model kit in 1:24 scale.

The high-quality Italeri kit must be assembled independently.

The self-assembly process is guided by a step-by-step or illustrated assembly manual, included in the package.

Based on the assembly manual, the precise individual parts must be assembled. Painting of the parts can be done according to personal preferences.

Tools, adhesive, and paints are not included in the plastic kit and must be purchased separately.

Maßstab: 1:24, 1:64

Italeri - Bekanntester Hersteller für Plastikmodellbausätze

Die Produktlinien zeichnen sich durch eine genaue historische Recherche sowie große Sorgfalt bei Entwicklung und Design aus, um qualitativ hochwertige maßstabsgetreue Modelle herauszubringen. Heute bietet Italeri ein breites und vollständiges Sortiment an maßstabsgetreuen Modellen an, die den Bedürfnissen aller ihrer Kunden gerecht werden und alle Hauptproduktkategorien des statischen Modellbaus abdecken: Flugzeuge, Hubschrauber, Militärfahrzeuge, Schiffe, Lastwagen und Anhänger, Autos, Motorräder, Miniaturen und weitere. Bei Italeri findet ein reger Formentausch mit anderen Firmen statt; dies sind vor allem: Revell, Zvezda, Dragon, Testors, Tamiya, Accurate Miniatures und andere.

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